Strata repainting

If the project requires the work of other contractors and trades, we can coordinate that for you as well. Less hassle for you and a smoother, more efficiently run project.

We provide residents and homeowners with written notice before we begin working around their home. To help the homeowners know what to expect, we let them know how long our team of Vancouver commercial painters will be working. We are on-site, managing and supervising our workers on a daily basis. Check out our code of conduct.

We put safety first. Our painters are trained and adhere to our strict safety guidelines. We have an exemplary record with Worksafe BC for commercial painting Vancouver. Our workers are always in uniform. They are polite and considerate of the homeowners and their property. We do not allow our workers to smoke on private or common property and we do not allow music to be played on the job site. At the end of the day all equipment, paint and supplies are cleaned up and put away in storage.

Quality control is super important to us. We don’t leave it up to homeowners or strata council members to find deficiencies so we make sure to do our own walk arounds.

We carry $5 million liability insurance and provide a minimum two-year guarantee on work done.

From Our Customers

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