How to Get a Job With a Great Painting Company

Warline is hiring painters. We are looking for full-time, professional, proficient painters. That means I have ads for jobs running all over the place.

Whenever we put out ads that we are hiring, I inevitably find my inbox filled daily with resumes and applicants. You would think I would be happy to have such a overwhelming response but the truth is many of the emails I get do little to inspire me or excite me. In fact, a lot of them depress me.

So I am putting this out there on our site. I figure the candidate that really wants to work with us will find it and have a great inside edge when they apply.

Heidi’s Tips on How to Get a Painting Job With a Great Company

  • Check us out before you apply. Simple really. I often say we are not everyone’s painter. That also means we are not every painter’s company. We do things different. We are exacting. We have rules of conduct. We have a strict non-smoking policy on job sites. This needs to be a good fit for both of us. If you are reading this, we are off to a good start. Make sure you want to work with a company like Warline. Read our articles, visit our Facebook page, get a feel for the type of company we are. I guarantee you one of the first questions I am going to ask is if you have been to our website.
  • First impressions matter. Here is the bottom line. I am going to decide whether or not to call you based on the first interaction I have with you, which is likely your email. I get emails every day from painters that type one sentence in text style writing and zero puncuation. They go to the trash. Email is not texting. There is no excuse for abbreviations and lazy spelling mistakes if you are sending an email to apply for a job. If you can’t spend five minutes to put together a few sentences as to who you are and why I should call you, it’s pretty clear to me that you are likely not going to go that extra mile for our customers. I am well aware that English is a second language for many applicants so I am not looking for perfection, but I am looking for effort.
  • Make sure your resume is relevant. I actually have no expectations for a painter to have a three page corporate looking resume. I am happy with a listing of previous employers with time frames and a description of what you did. I am always amazed by the amount of irrelevant experience included on a lot of resumes. I don’t need to know the details of your job description as a welder. Unless it’s relevant to painting or shows your management and leadership skills, skip the detailed job description of your previous career. Instead give me a sentence on how that experience would make you a good fit with our company. Here’s a tip though. I do want to know what painting companies you have worked for in the past and I am definitely going to want to know why you are not working with them anymore.
  • If you are going to send a resume, make it yours. Apparently almost everyone out there is a team player, works well alone, has strong communication skills, shows initiative and is highly organized. Those point form highlights are so generic that they mean nothing. They remind me of the resumes I was taught to prepare back in high school and they are really a waste of valuable space that you could use to tell me about your actual skill set and what makes you a great painter and even better employee.
  • Send me pictures. A painter that sends me photos of projects they have worked on shows me right away they have a passion for what they do. You generally take pictures of work you are proud of. That is a great indication to me of your love for painting. I don’t need a whole gallery but a picture or two of your favourite projects always gets my attention.
  • It’s not all about painting. We can teach someone all the skills and techniques required to paint. What we can’t teach is a work ethic or pride in workmanship or a passion for painting. We will definitely hire someone that has limited experience in painting and even sometimes, no experience if that person demonstrates a strong set of values and energy and willingness to learn. Having 20 years of experience in painting doesn’t guarantee you a top spot if you also have a lousy attitude that goes along with your expertise.
  • I am not your back up plan. So many painters I speak with are shocked that I am not interested in providing them temporary employment during the slow season or between other jobs. We invest a lot into our crew in time and training. I don’t want to make that investment in someone that isn’t planning on sticking around.
I am pretty sure that if you are looking for a job as a painter and you have read this, you are going to know right away if we are the type of company you are interested in being a part of. If we are, I look forward to hearing from you.



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